Vote for early summer climbing trip!
Postet av Anders Fure Kløvstad den 8. Mai 2023
Remember to put in your vote on Øystein Sagosen's poll on when we should aim for the spring climbing trip, to leave your vote and further information:
Elsewise, we have had quite a few new members on first part of Brattkort with toprope part and lead coming up in end of May!
Please also remember to ensure you have paid your Telenor BIL membership and hooked off "Klatring", and as always, please pay attention to the rules of free climbing in the "klatresenter"/climbing halls - one climb free per week! Looking through the reports, you all have improved :)
And by now - it's nice to climb outside
Remember: Climb now - work tomorrow :D
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Siste fra Anders Fure Kløvstad
Climbing autom trip - 6-8 of October!
Gneis Lilleaker - Climbing agreement!
Climbing trip to Bohuslän 9-11 of June